Why Merlins sound better then Sonus Faber

Why do Merlin Speakers 1/5 the cost of SF sound better then even the top Sonus Faber models? or am I wrong...
Sounding "better" is completely subjective. Everyone has different ability, interpretation, and preferences of what sounds "best". So, if you think Merlin sounds better than SF, lucky you! You get to save 5x the amount of money. Go buy music with your savings!
I guess I meant to say more transparent, closer to the original recording without adding anything else. Unless I am wrong?
Unistar, music is so subjective so its always impossible to say anyone component is better than another, regardless of price. Some people like the Sonus Faber sound (I being one of them). Some people love the resolution and speed of Magico, others think its too sterile. As rockadanny said, go have some fun with the money you saved!
Unistar99, that is twice now that you have asked if you are wrong. How can you be wrong when judging subjective items? Who can tell you what flavor you like best? As Rockadanny and Tboooe have noted, this hobby is very subjective, what sounds best to one rarely sounds best to another.
If you happen to enjoy the sound of the less expensive product, you are not right or wrong, you are lucky. Enjoy your good fortune.