platine motor with nylon thread

I'm running my platine verdier table with the nylon thread and am wondering if the thread needs replacing at any specific interval.Does it's strength or quality wear out with extended use?

Thanks Mike.

Thanks for the information. I have seen the Stren superbraid online at Dicks and Modells. I'm using a Scheu Analog Premier table and one of the upgrades recommended is to ditch the nylon thread they supply and get fishing line. This will be an interesting experiment.

It will be great to find out how it works for you, as it will be a month or so before I can tie mine up and try it.

Pechtm, your Platine has a massive platter, if your try the braided line , your results would be interesting.

Ken, as a follow-up I tried the Stren Super Braid in both the 20lb/0.23mm and 30lb/0.25mm versions. Unfortunately, both threads made my motor pod vibrate too much and you could feel the vibration of the knot as it rotated through. I tried repositioning the motor, etc. but to no avail. Doing some additional research, fishing line that is 0.25mm in diameter is recommended for the Scheu table and I believe monofilament line is a better option. I'm getting some 10lb/0.25mm Stren Magnathin line and I'll see how that works.

I read info on the Scheu tables a while back and noticed the motor -pulley configuration. I can understand your problem with the vibration with your table. It sure seems that mono would be the ticket for your table. Mono acts more like a spring and vibration absorber that would enhance the performance of your table.

When Harry Weisfield suggested I use braided spyder wire it was based on the fact that he knew I was going to use 3 HRX drives. Each delivers the power to the table via a 15 lb flywheel that won't be prone to vibration problems that a lower mass drive system does. To each his own.

I remember the Weathers turntable , arm , and FM cartridge that I first heard in 1956 or 57. A clock type motor driving a platter around a few ounces at most, using a balsa wood arm, I think. Back then the the sound was great when comparred to the other outstanding tables of that era. Garrard 301s, Rek O Kut idler drive with huge Hysteresis Synchronous motors and Thorens TD 124s. I know I've forgotten a few. I still own 2 of them.

I hope your time and trouble will pay off for you, let us know your results.
