Are the Nitty Gritty vacuum cleaners...

...worth the three plus bills that they cost? Any owners out there that can provide input?--Cheers
Hi, I think you might be able to get a VPI 16.5 used here on Audiogon. IMHO, it is far superior to the Nitty Gritty cleaner. They seem to average in the $300.- $350. price range.
I've had my (fully automatic) Nitty Gritty 1.5 FI for 17 years. It's been serviced twice in that time, and still performs flawlessly as far as I'm concerned. It is a little noisy when you turn on the vacuum, but it's so powerful you only need to run it for 20 sec. or so.

The one caution, is to avoid cleaning solutions with more than 20% alcohol as they can ruin the pump and tank. I don't use alcohol-based solutions (anymore!) so for me that's a non issue.
Well, I agree with Johnjbarlow's thinking, but not his conclusion.

The VPI 16.5 might be slightly better, but only if you don't wash the records by hand first. If you do, they work about the same, IMHO. In terms of how they vacuum clean, they work about the same. (In fact, with the NG, you have gravity working for you, not against you.)

A new VPI costs double the cost of a new NG, because the VPI has a motor for turning the platter, and it iis built more aesthetically pleasing, as it looks more like a piece of furniture, as opposed to the Nitty Gritty which is built rather cheaply. (Basically the NG is built out of pressboard.) However the NG's last for a long, long time. (I am the second owner of my NG 1.0, and I have used it for about 4 years, and the owner before me used it for years before that.)

Where I agree with Johnjbarlow is buying a RCM used. I bought my NG 1.0 used for $100, and I just bought a used Record Doctor used for $90. That brings the price down to 1/3 of the price of a used VPI, and it surely does almost as good a job, if not every bit as good.

Now, if you want a truly better RCM, go with the Loricraft, at only $2.5K. (Me?, I'm sticking with my NG until I have fully upgraded my system, and then, and only then, I'll leapfrog the VPI RCM's and get the Loricraft.)

My two cents worth anyway.
Amazing that you can get a top quality washing machine for your clothes for less than the price of a wet record cleaner. Maybe it has to do with economies of scale, but oh my audiophiles can't accept that those also apply to audio equipment. Strange how people slice and dice reality to suit, no?