Are the Nitty Gritty vacuum cleaners...

...worth the three plus bills that they cost? Any owners out there that can provide input?--Cheers
"It'll be a rare instance when a mechanical machine can perform a task better (quality) than one can with his hands (e.g. Bread Machine, Car Wash, Dish Washer, etc.) I believe most automation is implemented to sa"

As a cabinetmaker of more than 40 yrs I respectfully disagree. A properly set up machine can always do the job better. I think most machinists would agree also and if your hand vacuuming your doing the same thing as the rc only slower.
This is true, but the brushes need to be at the right tolerances to get into the grooves, and be gentle enough not to damage them.
I have a Nitty Gritty. But I prefer to wet clean by hand with the MFSL brush and fluid. Then I just use the Nitty Gritty to vacuum the wet records. This produces better results for me. Have never used any other machines, so cannot comment on them.
I do the same as dmgrant1, i have a mini Pro 2 (solid oak) for approx. 10 years and it works like a charm. Never had it serviced. I use the Disc Doctor brush and solution to scrub/wet the record. Then i rinse the record with purified water. Then i put it on the minipro 2 and suck the water both sides at once. No need to turn the record over. Fantastic!!!! I could not live with my minipro 2.