Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
Greadd; a man after my own heart. I did vinyl for years and years.---Like 10/15 mins. to get ready to play the 2 songs I liked on that side of the record. Now I'm older/and then some and now it's more about the music.---BTW; It was never about the money --- It's more about being lazy!!---Heck if I was to marry I would seek a woman; already pregnant.
The Real Question.

I'm still deciding.

The other day I was playing with impedance loading on my phono preamp after having soldered some resistors of various values into several pairs of RCA plugs. Talk about hands on.

Anyway, I was playing my reissue of Cannonball Adderly's "Somethin' Else" that has some pretty aggressive trumpet work by Miles Davis, and I was comparing the vinyl to a Classic Records DVD-A version of the same recording. Well, the DVD-A is SO much better, it's a no brainer. It makes me wonder why I'm investing all my time and money into analog playback.

Also, after losing two auctions for Derek and the Dominos "Layla and other Love Songs" LPs, I decided to see if it was available on SACD/CD hybrid. Yup, sure enough. Bought it for $6.99 from (versus $12+ for the used original vinyl releases being sold on E-Bay).

On the other hand, I have Stevie Ray Vaughn's "In Step" on both CD and vinyl, and the vinyl is better by a small margin. More "life".

Why am I devoting my time and money to analog ($200 in tubes just yesterday)? I'm certain there's a payoff, but I'm not yet convinced the return on the investment is worth it to me at this point in time.

Things could change...
I tried vinyl 3 times before deciding it isn't for me. Instead, I carefully put a CD playback system together that works with nearly all my recordings. I am thrilled with the results.

Must be that time of the month again. Seems like once a month we get folks coming around with a thread like this.

If it's not for you, ok. It works for me and many, many others.
I'm still trying to put together a CD setup that is as musical and involving as my vinyl. But I'm only 77, so there's still hope :-)