Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
I think it is simple. The end goal in audio is to reproduce analog sound, an lp playback system is completely analog front to back, whereas digital systems take an analog source, converted to digital, and then reconvert it to analog. There's a whole lotta converting going on. I think one of vinyl's merits is the simplicity and purity of the interface itself... a needle on a record.
They say that some things, like making sausage, you don't want to watch. Digiphobics, like Hxt1, probably should not watch LPs being recorded or mixed :-)
I just spent the last three weeks tweaking my turntable-re-leveling, re-calibrating speed; bought new, upgraded tone arm cables (broke them in), got a stylus gauge to lock in the VTF, spent a few days with walley tools adjusting & optomizing VTA; bought new walker audio record brushes, got new (AI) fluid, stylus cleaner, put new isolation devices under the motor, basically an entire over haul.

All I can say is GEEEEEZ..... The time cleaning and destatisizing is like rubbing the genies bottle...
It is soo worth it.
Hey, I finally get to agree with El on something! A record is a an analog mechanical representation of sound. Sound is converted to electrical energy by a transducer, the microphone. A mechanical respresentation of the electrical waveform is then engraved on vinyl, by another transducer, the cutterhead, and another transducer, the cartridge, then converts this mechanical energy back to electrical energy, which is then converted back into sound waves by yet another transducer, the loudspeaker. So no there isn't a lot of converting going on with sound reproduction that never leaves the analog domain.
Eldartford..... I am not digiphobic, I actually own a cd player AND a dvd player, and yes I am aware of digital mixing AND mastering. At the end of the day, I listen to vinyl more than I listen to cd's because I like it. I like listening to cd's to, I'm not afraid of them. My previous post was a simple observation, take it how you wish, if you read deeply enough into it to see 'digiphobia' then so be it.