Subwoofer: should we even use them at all?

Dear Community,

For years, I looked forward to purchasing a subwoofer. However, I recently became friends with someone in this field who is much more knowledgable than me. His system sounds amazing. He told me that subwoofers should be avoided because of the lack of coherence that inheres in adding a subwoofer. What do you guys think? I currently use Verity Parsifol Ovations.
Technique and time go on. Subwoofers are a lot faster these days. But also the roomacoustic systems have changed a lot. About 7 years ago I never thought that subwoofers would be fast enough to become one with the loudspeakers for stereo use. In the past my only interest were in big systems like the B&W 800Signature. ( which I owned)

These days it is another world. Audyssey Pro has changed my thoughts about subwoofers in general. Now I have a what I call; stealth integration with the loudspeakers. I never thought this could be achieved with a subwoofer.

I also use a pure silver Audioquest Wild Dog subcable. This one has taken it even to a new and higher level.

These day I cannot imagine not to use a subwoofer. Even for stereo use. I listen these days above 90% in stereo.
I avoided subwoofers for 32 years and now have one. It works well for me in my particular situation but I wouldn't cry if some day I don't need one anymore. The less equipment the better. For now though, it integrated well for me.
I have been using a sub for 20 years...and over that time have joyed getting a more and more seamless integration. the combination of my main speakers being upgraded to the point where the sub is now only playing 40hz and below plus the improved speed, quality of subs and their crossover software has made it a joy for me. The ambience, foundation deep underneath orchestral, live performances as well deep house/electronic is wonderful. Good luck. Good set up is a must...but for me, I will never take mine out. And more owners I know who have my speakers (Wilson X1/Grand Slamm) or the Alexandria's use them with subs than those owners I know who don't.
In the past we did filter them till max 35-60. These days this part has changed a lot. After I got the attention to test it till 120 hz. I test it for the first time. When you use a subwoofer like mine ( low freq. unit is very fast and light ( ceramics) )you can use it a lot further.

I got even better results using it higher. Low freq. become touchable above 80hz. These days I use it till 140 hz. This gives the best endresults I even heard with subwoofers in general. Playing stereo voices and instruments also become more stable and physical.

This is possible cause of the accuracy of the measurement Audyssey Pro gave. And the use of a very thick Wild Dog pure silver subcable.

At the show were I was in 2013, people said: but your subwoofer is out. Many people were not familiar with this kind of integration.

Going back to the past were we sold most of the time REL subwoofers even with more expensive loudsprekers. It is a new world and a much higher level of integration.
I have a subwoofer, which I use for HT purposes. I have played with several subwoofers quite a few times over the last few decades, but I never could get one to blend seamlessly into a stereo system for music purposes. I have heard a couple of systems that have, but I have heard many more systems that have failed, but the owner does not know it. For me, I will leave the integrating of bass management to the seasoned speaker designer, and buy full range speakers, like your PO's, for music.