selling vinyl and feeling?

I was just wondering how many fellow audiogoners have sold off their lp collections and are having regrets or are glad and completely happy staying with cd and sacd?
I was buying LPs before I even had a turntable. There was just too much good music out there on vinyl for me to let it go by. I'll never get rid of those gems that I have now.
I sold my 1200 LP collection in 1988, and I regret only the nice covers and being able to read the print.

Good riddance!
For me, it has nothing to do with it being vinyl or any other medium. There is music that I was sure I would never listen to again and then gave away. Ten years later, I found myself back into some of that music I know longer had. Tastes and feelings change on the path of life and you never know what music you may revisit and either see it anew or find a different perspective that rekindles its value. Then again, there is something to be said for cleansing oneself of all possessions and following a path free of materiality. Either way, enjoy the moment and cherish your friends and loved ones.

That's a nice meandering non-answer. Thanks for the thoughts. Actually, I've found myself in that exact situation where I am revisiting music from past decades and really enjoying it. I'm very happy that I kept my vinyl collection. I doubt that I would ever sell it. Plus, right now my vinyl sounds better than my CD's. Besides, soon CD's will probably go out of favor and I'd much rather sell those if I had to choose. Let's face it, the marketeers of large corporations are the ones who dictate which media formats we consumers will be allowed to purchase.

BTW, if you want to cleanse yourself and eschew your materiality, I'd give a good home to your Mapletree preamp and Music Reference amp. :)