selling vinyl and feeling?

I was just wondering how many fellow audiogoners have sold off their lp collections and are having regrets or are glad and completely happy staying with cd and sacd?
Kept mine. Realize how few I had compared to the ones here who sold their collections. Maybe that's why I kept those LPs.

Vinyl is a whole 'nuther kettle of fish.

"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention."
I sold almost all my vinyl in one fell swoop about 10 yrs. ago.I've spent the last 5 yrs. buying it back.This is not a fidelity issue.I have great sounding CD playback systems and the little silver discs are so much more convenient.It's just comforting to go through the record playing ritual.I listen mostly to CD,but every once in a while I'll clean and spin a black 12 inch disc(on my new Scoutmaster or on my vintage Dual CS 5000).It's also a heck of a lot easier for these 49 yr. old eyes to read the lyrics and liner notes on an LP.
I had dumped my LPs wayyyyy back in the mid 1980's..
Then, three years ago a collection of LPs was available for pennies. I had no TT and no phono pre, but I bought them anyway..
It took two years to aquire 14,000 LPs at bagain basement prices.. I threw away 4,000 dups or slightly marred vinyl.
So now I have about 4,500 classical, 3,000 Rock, 2,500 Jazz.
I may have to move soon, so I may just dump another couple of thousand.. When more than half cost under $0.20 each, That is easy to do.
And if you ask is that 10,000 HerbAlpert?? nooooooo. Good stuff. really!
I got them to keep me happy in my old age.
I think they will be worth having around! Only five years to go.
I believe that a lot of the so-called 'resurgence' in vinyl is caused by high CD prices. With prces hovering around $17-18 in most stores, and even on-line (with shipping costs added in) many are finding old gems are much cheaper to obtain as used LPs. What are new LPs selling for?
I've made a lot of mistakes in my life... thankfully, this was not one of them.

Happy listening!