Static on Vinyl

Here is my greif...............

I am getting some major static electricity every time
I remove an LP from my Turntable platter.

Here is my setup:

The platter is a Teres coccabolo (hardwood)
& I get the static with or without using my Herbies way excellent turntable mat.

I installed a grounding conductor screwed to the brass
platter spindle & grounded it to the tubed preamp & no

I also use a Mapleshade Ionoclast static buster on the vinyl just before dropping the stylus, & still the bloody
static is their when I pull the vinyl from the platter
after the LP has gone thru the grooves.

any thoughts? ? ? ? ?
Cripes, I goofed up on my last post, How can I
edit the post?
I was refering to the Air HUMIDIFIER that some of You
mentioned, But I wigged out & typ'od in air (purifier)
by mistake....DUH.
Different problems but different solutions.Humidifier good idea especially for winter as everyone say's.Since some folks buy expensive ceramic lifters to get wires off synthetic carpets (I know some who have found the old isolators they used to use on power poles a flea markets or antique stores and it's cheaper and they work fine)this use of Static Guard might work.But for gods sake don't use sheets it under the LP's!
Call Bes Nivera at Music Direct.There might be something other than Zerostat out there.Old Dust bug was good idea.But imagine Bes or maybe the folks at PS or other Power Conditioner companies MIGHT have some idea we haven't come up with here.I don't have to much problem just mid winter and wife needs humidifier anyway.Wish Zerostats didn't wear out.They have become expensive.

Since the wood platter won't conduct static away from the record, I doubt using a conductive belt with a path to ground from the motor would make much difference. You'd also have to change the motor capstan from the existing material to a conductive one. Neither the old black plastic nor the new resin capstans are likely to be good conductors either.


P.S. I use the metalized/holographic mylar belt long favored by Galibier owners. It provides a bit more torque than the 2 mil (clear) or 1 mil (black) mylar Chris provides. Better resistance to stylus drag, but no difference regarding static buildup or discharge that I've noticed.
Are you rubbing your records before you play them? You know, with a brush? Try playing a record first for 20-30 seconds, then raise the stylus and proceed with your dry cleaning (if any) and watch the problem appear.
Also, make sure it is a record you haven't played for 6mos. or so, otherwise the static may have been created on the last go 'round.