Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)
believe me, I understand how to set up a turntable. The charge that somehow I got that wrong (which Mr. Lloyd obliquely accused me of) is ridiculous...
Jeezus! I tried numerous cartridges that I was quite familiar with. The results I got continually demonstrated the turntable's sonic character. PERIOD. What you're blathering here basically says that no reviews are valid by anyone....
I used the same technique to measure both my stand and the Grand Prix stand. If what you're saying is true, I should have gotten similar results. I didn't. In fact they couldn't have been more different. I repeated numerous times. You may work in this field but you're not thinking particularly straight. i compared apples to apples....
Raul, This is getting to be fun. According to what you wrote above in response to my last response, a reviewer should take into account that one preamp contains different values and brands of capacitors and resistors and circuit topology than another, if he were to be comparing preamplifiers. Moreover, he should be willing to replace parts and alter the circuit of the (in his opinion) inferior sounding product, to see if it can be made to sound better. The essence of audio reviewing is to take the product that the manufacturer puts out there and listen to it as is. The GPM and the Caliburn are both record players, period. For all his faults, HP got this part right 30 years ago when he started TAS. Raul, we should discuss this over a couple of Coronas.

I quite agree with Grooves re the innovative nature of the GPM, or lack of same. Wonderful as the product may be, it is a direct-drive turntable made with a lot of carbon fiber parts. We've seen this before, although maybe not in the same place. The most novel aspects of the GPM appears to be the motor and its speed control and the incredibly high quality of execution.