Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)
If this thread hasn't set a record for the most postings in a week, I'd like to know what has. "Desperate Housewives" and "Dancing With The Stars" must be eating their hearts out.

Personally, I looked past the subjective opinions, and ordered an accelerometer and charge amplifier today. It will help me refine the sound that I HEAR. Sounds that others hear direct me, but don't restrict me, to what I'll lay my dollars down and buy.

Hey Ken,

If you tell Mike Fremer about your cool '55 Chevy, maybe he would fly out and show you how to use the accelerometer.
Good thing I included the word "ouch" in the subject if this thread.

Michael, have you listened to the Phantom without damping fluid?

There seems to be a US vs. Europe attitude towards the fluid.

Folks here practically called my dealer lazy for not including the fluid in the setup, while others on a forum that has more Europeans basically said very few over there use it. Thomas Woshnik doesn't suggest it for use with his tables. I have their cheap crappy little mickey mouse model Raven One, (that what it looks like when viewed from directly above - a mouse face and ears.)

ALso any thought to doing a setup proceedure for the Phantom arm?
I always thought your DVD should have had a link included to a website where additional setups could be viewed (for purchasers of the DVD)

Since I'm in tv/video, I might even be able to help you facilitate such a thing (I'm in NYC).
As to the Phantom fluid usage.......Since I am close to upgrading my Graham 2.2 to a Phantom the subject of NOT using fluid perplexed me.I am very familiar with the huge differences even the most minute amounts of fluid impact the 2.2's performance(I am talking pinhead amounts,and have been at this for years,on this arm).
My friend has just upgraded his 2.2 to the Phantom,and "it"(Phantom) is not as sensitive to fluid as the 2.2.Yet,it still "definitely" benefits from fluid usage! You MUST be VERY careful about finding the "perfect" amount,for a given cartridge's energy!This will NOT take one listening session if you are exacting!
I called Bob Graham recently,as I had some questions regarding set-up.The fluid issue came up in the conversation(as did the titanium arm tube option,which he thinks is the equal of the ceramic,and a matter of taste).
As to the fluid usage...his feelings, on non usage was that the arm "sounded quite good,surprisingly,with no fluid,but that does NOT mean it should not be used"(his words). He has not done an A/B comparison,with fluid,and
based on my own experience with my friend's Phantom(he has the same Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge as me)I will definitely use the fluid.
This could be cartridge dependent,but the Phantom definitely likes fluid with the Orpheus in use.Small increments STILL affect sonics BIG TIME!
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
I ,for one, appreciate Mikey's personal response on this forum. I certainly would not want to be subjected to this scrutiny.