Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)
at least fremer knows what he likes. many in this hobby just spend money for the sake of 'just that'..'spending money'. the 'to each his own' logic will always prevail(rightfully so), but its easier and easier to see the true value (and genius) of vintage designs(and their competitive performance), today more than ever. in the context of new products only, a dd shootout between the monaco and the new denon 1300 would be fun for some...and sobering for others.
Jaybo, I can't find a Denon 1300 turntable anywhere on the web, not even at Denon USA's web site.
A DP 1300mkII.. big brother of the 500m..its only being sold in japan at the moment, but can be exported through several retailers, and is coming officially to the states in 2008. an interesting return for denon to a competitive high end table, and inexpensive relative to just about everything.
Mtkhl567, When I opined that you did not need Mike Fremer's approval to validate your purchase, I was not intending to denigrate MF's opinion so much as to let you know that I think you are/were over-reacting to it. Mike has said here and elsewhere over and over again that he recommends we evaluate for ourselves the products he reviews, using his experiences only as a touchstone. He did not and probably would not say that you were "wrong" to buy the GPM, is all I meant. Anyway, I'd love to hear either table in a good home system, along with a Walker to compare to both. Not many folks will ever get such an opportunity, so Mike's work is of great value but should be taken with a "grain of salt". Dealer venues and audio shows don't tell us much.
Lewn, I agree with you on the enjoyment and purpose of this great hobby. I just think we should not all behave as if the politics, that I illuded to, are not going on.

You can do one of two things, close your eyes or speak up and say something about it. Wherever there are commercial interests involved there will be consideration in exchange for opinion from reviewers. In such a world those with the strongest sense of ethics will be the ones that deserve the most respect. Alvin Lloyd is one of those persons.

I know this may be a topic that spans much more than Mr Fremers GPM review, and unfortunately is widespread within the business, putting large questionmarks around much that is reviewed today.