Want to Start vinyl

My wife and I want to restart our vinyl collection for ourselves and so that out 2 year old will know what a record is one day! There is more than ipod. I have no clue about how to get back into records. I have a pretty good HT and 2 channel set up, so any advice on $500 to $2000 for record player is apprecaited. Thank you
the whole vinyl scene has been very appealing to me.looking for used vinyl,hearing about useful tweaks,ect.i had virtually no lp's at the beginning but for the most part have been getting lots of want i really want.i say jump in.lots of help available here.
Don't listen to the haters!
I consistently go to record shops and come out with a pile of records. With one or two rare LPs in the mix the cost still averages out to about $10.00 per LP. That's cheaper than CD. If you go to thrift stores the average cost per LP will be even lower.

50 cent LPs have also introduced me to music that I otherwise wouldn't have ever listened to if I had to buy it on CD. I say go for it if you think you'll like hunting for used LPs.
I searched the web for used LP stores in my area. Found one about half hour away. The average price is 2.99! most are 1.99. Over the last 2 weeks I have purchased around 100 albums, all excellent condition. Maybe do a search first and see if you have such a place in your area. For instance- original Joni Mitchell "Blue" for 1.99. Had a few crackles and pops but her voice came through it all. Steely Dan "Aja" and "Gaucho", both 2.99, play quiet and awesome. I paid $600 for my MMF-7 used here on Agon and am loving getting back into vinyl. Highly recommend you do the same and you don't need to spend a fortune on your "first" rig.
I'm in the camp of go for it...........Remember if you shop smart and buy used your $2000 budget could get you close to $4000 retail worth of equipment! IMO I would intend on your entire budget listed as this gives you many choices and you not need to settle for all entery level gear! Have Fun!
I have to second, (or maybe 16th), the sentiment here. You will find vinyl if you go looking for it...
I got my hair cut last week. The barber was selling some old vinyl that a customer had brought in. I bought a bunch of mint records for $1 a record.
Vinyl will play better than digital at pretty much any price range. If you buy a $500 analog rig and a $500 digital rig, analog will win. If you go overboard and buy a $10,000 analog rig as well as a $10,000 digital rig, analog will win by a HUGE margin. As your system gets better, the differences become more apparent.
There's only enjoyment here. Get in.
