Want to Start vinyl

My wife and I want to restart our vinyl collection for ourselves and so that out 2 year old will know what a record is one day! There is more than ipod. I have no clue about how to get back into records. I have a pretty good HT and 2 channel set up, so any advice on $500 to $2000 for record player is apprecaited. Thank you
Taters, I don't know where you live but I have bought 500+ used albums over the past year and only a handfull, maybe 5 to 6 are in bad shape.

Plus, several music stores around me are stocking more and more new and used albums. I'm like Jjmali, I rarely listen to Cd's anymore because on my system there is no comparison.....which is a shame because I have so many CD.
I don't agree with Taters' either, but we can at least respect his perspective. For him, searching for vinyl isn't worth it. He did a quick cost/benefit, and the cost of his time and effort did not equal the benefit of finding a record that he can buy elsewhere for more.

I'm on the opposite side of this cost/benefit line, so going out and picking up some used records is very much worth my time and effort, as it sounds like it's worth the time of most of the posters on this forum as well. I love it, and I find it cost-effective, but it's not for everyone.

Be thankful: it's the Taters out there that make one less person searching for the same albums you are!

"Be thankul, it's the Taters out there that make one less person searching for the same albums you are"

You should also be thankful that people like myself support Acoustic Sounds, Music Direct and Elusive Disc. Otherwise there would be no new vinyl out there to buy!
Go for it, you will enjoy it. Lots of great LPs still out there if you want to dig for them.
Skclarey, I'm kind of doing the same thing now. It is easy to get discouraged by some of the answers here on this thread, I know, but to me trying something different is fun. So whoever supports the idea here, thanks!!!!

I'm still trying to figure out which table to get, but in the mean time I've bought few good records already.
I ordered a Technics SL-1200Mk2 in black, but it is backordered, so I am still trying to figure out to wait for SL or should I go for another table. Don't know yet.
For me buying used LPs would be OK. I live in NYC and here we have a lot of garage sales, Chelsea and Columbis ave flea markets, etc. I think it would be fun to hunt for some good used vinyl once in a while during this summer.
Never know what you can find there.

If Techincs that I ordered does not become available in the next week or so, I am thinking to cancel the SL1200 and try buying a good used table that is easy to re-sell if for some reason I decide vinyl isn't for me.
If you buy used, you can get out easy with minimal $ loss.