Opinion: Best turntable under $2000?

Ok. I need the group's opinion again. What is the best turntable, with arm, under $2000 (not including the cartridge, phono preamp, etc)? Part two: best cartridge under $500?
TO Piedpiper;

Yes, I am always looking for those sonic characteristics that many attribute to vacuum tubes (I set up an all tube system). You know the adjectives: warm, rich, fullness of sound, depth to soundstage, subtle...as opposed to the solid state adjectives of accurate and clean and fast, etc. My friends are often amused at this craziness of searching for "sonic characteristics"
Psychicanimal, my life is harsh; so I like to keep my music rich and warm and full.... until I get my drink on, then music is harsh :)
Doesn't have to be either/or. True transparancy doesn't add insult to injury and true warmth is only natural.
i don't know anything about the scheu tt's but i see one on another site's classified's,probably not allowed to mention them specifically.