Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
Not really. Anyone can express their opinion. But you don't have to express an opposing opinion by crucifying someone else for theirs or getting into an arguement with them.
I don't enjoy CD players. I'm also aware that many people love their CD players. I wish I did, it would make buying music much easier. I'm not going to argue with them and tell them they are idiot's for liking them. My daughter gets great joy out of her CD player. She hops around the house dancing and singing to her music and I couldn't be happier for her.
There is room enough for everybody and everybodies opinion. The more the merrier. Everybody is invited to the party. Lets have some fun and enjoy some music.
Sedond I'm not familiar with the piece you're talking about . I'm definitely open minded about this Cd thing. I would love to hear a CD player that was moderately priced that sounded good. Is that the art d/io or d/10? Where can I find out more about it? Thanks for your help.
Wow, what a gas bag? you invited people to take shots at you and then you get defensive. $75 CD palyer, man. More like a Wild Turkey than Makers Mark.
I really have to hand it to ya Mozart2000. You sure know how to stir up people's passions. :) I guess one person's snake oil is another person's magic bullet. Now, as a certain android once said, "Please continue the petty bickering. I find it fascinating."
No one has any obligation to respect another's point of view, just an absolute obligation to respect another's RIGHT to hold a such a point of view.

This is the great pitfall of 'politcal correctness.'
Political correctness be damned, Constitutional correctness is what matters. PC weakens the First Amendment, by blindly validating the substance of opinions, and forcing the censoring of dissenting view.

Having said that, Makersmark, can you point me towards some reviews of thsi d/io thingie? I am curious.