Installation Instructions??

Regarding the installation of the cartridge in a tonearm. Is there a suggestion how to get the tonearm wires on to the pins of the cartrige? Last time I tried, my hand slipped because of a tight fit of the pins, and I broke off the conector on the Valhalla wire of the VPI arm. VPI sent me a new arm much to their credit, but I would not like to do that again. Do you install the wires, and then affix the cartridge into the headshell?? Do you use a special tool,etc. etc.
I use needle-nose pliers, although it's still possible to slip and do damage f you're not extra careful - especially in the case of a tight fit. It's hopeless for me to try this using my fat fingers.
Stringreen- Needle nose pliers are good, but also be careful not to use too much force. If the clips do not slide on with a minor amount of pressure, try opening them up a LITTLE bit by using a round toothpick inserted into the opening.
Dear Stringree: You can use your hand or like Bdgregory suggest a needle-nose pliers. It is better to make the wires set-up before you mount the cartridge and before that check if the wire clips could connect easy to the cartridge pins and if are a little " narrow " then use a tootpick to make " bigger " and then to the cartridge pins.
Anyway you habe to do it with care.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Tweezers. Borrow a pair from your wife. Needle-nose pliers are too potentially damaging to use for this job, IMO. If you squeeze too tight while concentrating on mating the connector to the pin, you can narrow the opening and thereby lose all hope of making the connection. As to your other question, DEFINITELY mount the cartridge in the headshell first, before attempting to make connections. (No need to align the cartridge prior to making connections; just use the headshell as a way of stabilizing the cartridge while inserting the clips. Then you can make the fine alignment adjustments of the cartridge AFTER the wires are connected.) BTW, a good contact enhancer, like the Walker SST or whatever else you like, is very beneficial when applied between the cartridge pins and the connectors.
Lewm- What a good idea. Tweezers for sure. As for the order, I have always mounted the cart first, then connected the clips. BTW, if you want nerve-racking, try doing this with a nude canteliver cart like the benz or on a tt with no arm rest like the schroder. Luckily, I did not have both at the same time!!!