Pure Vinyl Software


I was wondering if anybody has any experience using this software:


I am interested in purchasing vinyl as much as possible and would like to record it for playback on my iPod, etc. I have a friend who bought an Alesis Masterlink and is using that to record but I'm looking to go the software route first and would like some opinions.

I have a Plinius 9200 and a Nottingham Horizon as my source. I'm using a MacBook Pro to do the recording with an RCA t 1/4" jack. I know, not the best but I'm happy to use that as a starting point.


Ag insider logo xs@2xjwynacht
How do you get Masterlink to burn a CD in 10 minutes? Mine takes about 30 minutes to render and another 40 minutes or so to burn. Did I miss a setting somewhere?
The Tascam takes around 2-3 minutes to burn a Redbook CD (depending on album length), but it is a bit more expensive...
What does the Tascam cost and where is the best place to get it ?
Thanks /Larry
The Masterlink burns at 4X, so a 40 minute LP takes about 10 minutes. It takes longer if you add DSP to the file, but I don't usually do that unless I'm getting stuff from cassette tape.

I can edit a 10 song LP in about 10 minutes. I guess I'm good at it lol. I wish the Masterlink had some kind of job/shuttle wheel that would let you move really quick through the audio. That is the only real problem I see with the Masterlink is that you have to scroll through the audio slower sometimes than I would like.

Archiving vinyl is not such a pain in the @ss. Magix Audiolab/10 will do all your 'cleaning, editing and whatever else you'd like to do.
