Need your expertise over 2 dac choice....

Hi everyone...

First my Enkianthus X is at repair now, and the technician is not sure about finding part to repair it....

So for the last month I have been looking for it next replacement... What I want is a dac that sound as good as the Enkianthus X or better at $7000 max....

My choice came down to 2 model...

After searching all over the web I came down to 2 model that intrigued me. The Meitner Ma-1 and the AMR dp-777.

I know that the Meitner has DSD, and I am not sure if I will ever need it...
The AMR is tubed and from what I have read, maybe a little more organic....

On both of them I wont be able to demoed it at home not even in local store, (no reseller in my area) and I will have to make an act of faith, order/buy one, before even seeing the shipping box...

First question...
To those of you already owning the AMR_dp-777: did you ever got your dac sent back for repair do to low built reliability, like I have read somewhere over the net ??? And the post says, sometime 2 repair ???? Something I don't need for sure...

Second question...
Which one would you buy: Meitner for it's well base reputation problem free over the year and easy to sell back.
Or taking a chance (in my case) with AMR, new to me (not to many sold in Canada) no DSD, tubed sounding, maybe a bit more organic and good reviews all over the net ????

From what I have read, both machine are very very good, and make my choice even harder, both of them at the door will cost (taxes, custom fees, shipping) almost the same.

That's why I need your expertise before making my final decision, specially from those of you who had the chance to listen to both machine side by side...

Thank again for your time
One other thing...

Today I was lucky enough to get a Meitner MA-1 and from what I have already heard, this dac is not enough involving for my taste. Ok it play fine and detailed but I had more fun with my old Enkianthus... To this day I have heard a Berkeley dac 2, way too much neutral for me, then a Ayre QB-9 that I found a bit too much digital, one Audio aero Prima, very good but lacking bass in some songs, now the Meitner...

So for those of you who own a AMR DP-777 one question : would say that this dac is involving or barely involving ?

Thank again
3 month later feedback

(part of a message I sent to an other audiogoner...)

So, before the AMR I was using a Audiomecca Enkianthus. Late march it started having heating problem when was hooked with my mac mini and Hiface II interface connector. So I decided to send it for repair...

At that time I was already looking for a USB dac that would make me happy, a dac that might replace the Enkianthus in the worst case scenario...

So after 2 month of cross checking over the net, review and forum, and after having borrowed for some usb dac at local dealer, Berkeley, Ayre, Meitner, and listen to some more like a few DCS, Audio Aero, Hegel, I wasn't feeling like it was happening...

So from every where on the net but mostly European and Asian site, the AMR was like the new thing to listen...

Here in Canada, there is no AMR dealer, and I thing only one in the USA. It was very difficult for me to listen to one, so the next option was to buy one, so I did...

I figured out that if I don't like it I can always sell it back, and not loose too much...

So I bought a prestine one at a price that I felt good with it, and the seller was a charm to deal with....

So I recived the dac and plug it via the RCA input with my mac mini and the Hiface interface connector, because my rig was already set for this...

So I listen in that configuration for about 3 days, and I must say that I felt it was the best sound compared with the Meitner MA-1, the Berkeley dac 2 and the Ayre QB-9 with my rig at my home for a few days each...

Then after maybe 3 days I looked at the AMR box for all the booklet and bags that was there, to find a bag with a USB cable... Wow, it is already very good, Can it be better with the USB cable ????

Well, yes it is... This machine is meant to play with the USB input, and it is also there at that time that I found that the Hiface was only a $189 and worth only $189 soundwise...

So later that week I bought a Wireworld red starlight usb cable that every body rave about (forum and magazine) and again it was even better than the cable that was in the box. So after again a few week I decided to plunge for the top one at Wireworld, the silver Platinum version of the usb cable, and again even better...

Now for the Lampizator, I was like you, looking/reading every thing I could fine on the net but one night came across a post from someone saying that the lampi would dictated what kind of music it was happy with...From the poster, it was very good with jazz, new age, and all kind of mellow music : maybe a bit too syrupy...

That was something I didn't wanted, and I know this don't mean anything in audio result but : I also showed the inside of a Lampizator gen 4 and a AMR dp-777 to some of my friends, some audiophile and some not at all, and they all said at that price (around $5000 each machine) take the AMR, it fell like you have more for your money...

So i the end I never listen to a Lampizator, because there is none around where I live, but they only thing I can tell you is : you won't be deceived by the AMR...

One last thing, every where over the net people say that the AMR does it's magic after half an hour... I would say it is more like 3 hours in my case, So be patient and wait/listen at least 3 hours before making your last decision...

Happy AMR owner
