Tonearm recomendations

I am doing a diy plinth project with a Rek o kut B12. I would like to know about tonearm length and where too short or too long comes into play. I would also like to know about wood arms.
Any experience would be greatly appreciative. I need to stay under 400.00 us new or used.

Sorry, I was a bit flummoxed by the question. You can use any arm you like on a Rek-o-kut. Most arms will mate to most turntables - it's the arm-cartridge interface (and cartridge-phonostage interface) that brings up more variables.

The only exception to this would be if you were mounting a super-heavy arm on a suspended table, or if you had a plinth that didn't allow you enough room to mount a specialized arm (tangential or 12").

So to answer your question - mount any arm you like - just make sure to find the correct mounting distance. The database at will help you plan.
I completely agree with Patrickamory - at vinylengine you will find some very good information, DIY friendly and some very knowledgeable friendly folk !
I am looking for advice on arm length and types of arms. I have been searching but have not found the right articles yet.
Having owned my current table for 17 years, have not had the pleasure of interacting with many different arms to learn about them. If a tonearm is a tonearm... why so many and why the big price spread, what extra do you get for the 1k or 2k arm?

You should be able to pick up an OEM Rega RB-250 or RB-300 for under $400. They are very nice simple tonearms and are fun to tweak. You seem to be into the DIY so you could buy a RB-250 and then do a rewire and get an upgraded endstub and counter weight as the urge hits you. There is a very interesting thread that was going around some time ago about the strange tonearm tweak for Rega arms that looked really cool.
An used Audioquest PT-6 or Sumiko should fit your budget too.
