a record cleaning device and proper method

right now all I have to clean my record collection that is coming out of long storage is the super record wash from Record Research labs a nice brush I bought from the distributor and I dry them with a clean cloth . This is not really right and I tried it this way to see if I could get a way with not having to buy a machine . I have a lot of really nice classical albums and I wont to clean them properly so a machine is ,I guess absolutely necessary ? If so which one, used ,should I buy ? and do I need an additional type of fluid to go along with the supper wash ? I know I need to vacum the fluid off .
I'm sorry if this question has come up many times before .

Thank you all !
Hello Alexthe,
With a semi-manual machine (or should it be called semi-auto?) like the VPI 16.5, you apply fluids, and scrub manually.

Therefore, Fluids can be applied, let sit, so they have the proper amount of time to do thier jobs, scrub to your heart's content, and when realy to remove fluids, the Arm Wand is swung over the Record, and vacuumed up. (There's two switches on the 16.5, one for Platter Rotation, the other for Vacuum Operation)

By missing this crucial step of more efficient removal of fluids, it doesn't matter if you're using the best cleaning fluids, and brushes in the world, you are not getting all the contaminants off the record by simply wiping dry. You are leaving much of them still in the groove.

As for RRL CLeaners, which is now Mobile Fidelity, thier older formulas such as Super Vinyl Wash, and Super Deep Cleaner, which is what you have, countless have users with both positive, and negative results.

Biggest complaints of these products are generally not strong enough-not the proper concentrations of chemicals to remove heavy grunge-dirt-biological contaminants, and the other was the Vinyl Wash contained a Lubricant (glycemic?) that on one hand was stated to quiet groove noise a tad, but also slightly mask dynamics, and detail as well.

Mobile Fidelity I understand is now in the process of two new forulations, is in Beta testing I hear. and will no doubt be on the shelves soon?

An Enzyme based Cleaner is very highly recommended by many folks as a first step cleaner, and Folks Like Walker, AIVS, Buggtussle, and even Phoenix to name a few have thier very satisfied followers.

Usually, the VPI 16.5 RCM holds thier value quite highly from thier now new $540 Price Tag. Certainly not the best machine on the market, but definitely one of the more "affordable ones", and with proper techniques, quality Brushes-Pads, and the best fluids, should bring you to within 90%-95% of any of the mega-dollar machines like the Loricraft, Clearaudio.

The 16.5 is very simple in construction, is extremely easy to use, and even easy to repair should the need ever arise, which with care should last you decades of regular use. If you're into analog for the long haul, I highly recommend a decent RCM.

My biggest regret when I bought my new 16.5 last August, was that I didn't buy it 10-12 years earlier after I seen, and heard what it did for my records, both old, and new. Mark
The Disc Doctor manual system works wonders for most records and supplemental steaming will handle the really tough cases. You were missing a couple of tools needed, mainly a cleaning brush and a rinsing brush. A RCM is totally unnecessary, IMHO. I've been collecting LPs over 50 years and have a revealing system.

For clean records I brush on the TT with a carbon fiber brush, zap with the Zerostat then wipe with a micro fiber cloth and then zap again. Most new records only need this. Occasionally a brand new record will benefit from cleaning with Disc Doctor, but I let my ears tell me rather than trying to clean already clean LPs.

All used LPs get the DD treatment and a very few get steam. (I don't buy visibly dirty LPs, in general, but the occasional promising record gets given to me and try to revive it).

Alexthe : For more information on steam cleaning please read the thread listed below on steam. while some "steamers" do use a clothes steamer , others find relatively inexpensive , comsumer hand held variety quite acceptable.
What I find discouraging is the fact that Steam Cleaning has already been reviewed in several audio mags , abet short-lived , and many AG'ers have supported Steam Cleaning, yet audio folks continue to cling to ol'ideas and machines that can't compete with Steam. Once you have fairly tried Steam Cleaning you may never listen to vinyl any other way.You shall not be disappointed.
You will always get a lot of responses on this subject. My 2cents; you can build a cheap RCM by using a shop vac (29 bucks) from home depot and using the crevice tool as your vacuum wand. just notch out a 1/4" slit in the tool and cover with felt (slit the felt along the slit in the crevice tool). If you have an old turntable, you have a great base to clean from. If not, you can use a lazy susan turntable to make a good cleaning platform. I picked up an old kenwood dd drive table for 10 dollars from a thrift store. I strongly recommend the perfection steam cleaner that CREM1 recommended earlier. with it, and your cheap diy rcm, you have a system that will clean as good or better than most of the cleaning machines out there.

As far as cleaning solutions, lots of good commercial or DIY recipes. You do need to rinse to get good results. If you have a good fluid, you only need one for most records.