Ortofon Super OM10 or Sumiko Pearl cartridge?

I turned on my system today and found out my Ortofon Super OM 10 cartridge had given out and bit the dust. I checked everything thoroughly and confirmed this with a multimeter and a continuity check.

Anyway, I am considering replacing the cartridge with a Sumiko pearl just to try something different. My setup is as follows: Cayin 50 T integrated amp, Bellari VP 1 phono preamp, and a MusicHall MM5 turntable. I play mostly rock, and I am wondering about the Sumiko or should I just replace it with another Super OM10?

Any suggestions or comments? I am looking for a cartridge in the less than $100 dollar range complete with stylus.
So... if you get the Bellari fixed and it means your cartridge is all right, when it's time to upgrade you'll get the biggest performance improvement for the least hassle & cost by replacing the stylus with an OM20 stylus.
or OM30 or even OM40. At those prices though, they certainly have competition but at least you're only paying for a new stylus.

Also, I've had good luck in pairing off the plastic guide for the stylus on the Pearl and Oyster for more transparency.
Thanks Again! Just quick note for anybody whois is a fan of Ortofon cartridges. I tried a OM20 equivalent by LPGear? The OM20 equivalent stylus was $79.99 and the 30 stylus was $99.99. The 20 stylus seem to make a bit of a difference. Just thought you would like to know!