Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
Downunder,I know you are an experienced 'phile,so I am going to give my personal opinion.If you actually believe one is "across the board better",with the criteria you give here,than I am simply at a loss for words.
Based on the latest improvements made to both(classic) arms I'd be happy with either one!So would you!!
Yes,the cartridge will determine which is the best choice,but I have to assume you already know this.
I am pretty convinced that a thread asking which particular cartridge would maxx out "your" particular system/music preferrences(a pretty good set-up,as I can see)would be far more meaningful.
I think you already know the scoop,but what the heck,let's see what comes up,on this thread.-:)

to clarify, all I am asking is one's personal view of both arm's relative to each other if they have indeed heard both, as they are both SOTA. Understand there is no such thing as best in this obsessive world of hifi.

My preference is for a slightly organic, warmer tone compared to my current table, the HRX while maintaining great dynamics and bass.

I believe that may be the triplaner, however I know the phantom is a lot differenmt beast to earlier versions and I have not heard either in my system.

my cartridges are dyna XV-1, koetsau rosewood, denon 103r, ortofon jubilee, clearaudio concerto, audio tec OC9.

Downunder,my response is not to dissuade you from any inquiry,which you are absolutely entitled to......Yet,the Phantom is NOT a different beast from earlier versions,on sonics!I have owned the Triplanar,and am extremely familiar with the Phantom.Even though my three year stint with the "Tri" was not perfect I'd be hard pressed to give one a thumbs up,over the other at "this point" in time,with these "latest" versions!
I just cannot believe one of these "newest" versions is more than a "tiny" bit better than the other,in specific areas,with the most popular,and highly regarded cartridges.C'mon...The cartridge is WAY more important,based on these two great arm designs!!Actually,as has been demonstrated to me,on countless occassions,the "best(early)LP pressings" are far more important than all this minute discourse!Not on absolutely every occassion(I know A.Salvatore loves a ton of re-issues,but he is wrong about a good majority of early pressing vs re-issue comparisons,for the most part...not always,but pretty darn often...Often enough,to make the search for the best early stuff worthy!Meaningful,if you love the best in LP replay!)It would be better to worry about "this",more than the differences between two such good arms!How come nobody seems to care much about this?
Just an opinion,or five,but I can't wait for the rational of those thinking one is actually superior,to the other.Be it arm,or pressing worthyness....Whew,feels kind of good,to be a bit like my old self!OK,the feeling went away-:)
BTW Downunder,sorry if I come across as a bit rude.I truly wish you the best,and have no doubt whatever arm you move to will be fabulous.Whichever one!!Go for the best deal,and spend the balance on the Australian Open tix!!Lucky guy!!!
BTW, a good amount of my friends own the VPI TNT(latest,with heavy platter)why are you not interested in the new VPI 12.7 arm?Just curious.
Hi Sirspeedy. Watching the Aust Open at the moment - pity Roddick got rolled last night - go Hewitt!!

You have not answered any of my questions :-) - come on your opinion is valid or are both arm that similar??

ps - I was comparing phantom with graham's previous arms prior to to when the phantom came out, as I believe they are quite different sounding.

I have the HRX with heavy platter. I am not that interested in the 12.7 as valhalla cable will probably add more detail and less weight, when I have plenty of detail now. I also have 2 x 12.6 arms so changing to a 12.7 is a little counter productive.
I find the HRX/12.6 a little forward / thin in the upper mids/lower treble. cartridge makes a difference however my impression of the sonic trait is always there.
My Linn LP12 / naim aro has a slightly smoother treble however does not have that great VPI bass weight.
