Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
Hey Downunder......I can't believe that being in Australia, you don't take advantage of having access to the Continuum Copperhead tonearm?!
This arm quite frankly, moves design parameters to a new level.
It's big brother (the Cobra), is the REAL reason that Michael Fremmer is hearing his Continuum Caliburn as a reference vinyl source like no other.
I've got the Copperhead mounted on my Raven AC and whilst it did take over 6 months to actually obtain one (Asia is taking all the Caliburns and Criterion tables that Continuum can build) is a bargain for us in Oz at AUS$8000 compared to the US$12000 price in USA.
There are many advantages to living in Australia.
For audiophiles, Halcro and Continuum Audio Labs are 2 more!
Heh Halcro

Do you live in Sydney. I would luv to hear the raven and copperhead.

Can one get a demo of tyhe copperhead or cobra??

Does the copperhead have VTA on the fly??

I had both tonearms on the Teres 340 which accommodate 2 arms and did them under very similar conditions so it was a very fair comparison - i tried to match them very close for this comparison (using both Dynavector XV-1s, same phono cable with Audioquest Leopard and going to the wonderful steelhead which allow me to hook up both tonearms at the same time and with only a simple switch i can go back and forth). Look at my systems setup to get a better idea of my other equipments.

This is my conclusion about the 2 arms:

Phantom: a warmer and laid back sound; tonally sweeter and better midrange and more musical in my opinion. If you crave dynamics, details and live sound, this is not the tonearm for you. With the Koetsu, it's too laid back - i found this arm match better with the Dynavector or the Lyra (tame down these cartridge).

TriPlanar: a very aggressive, live and dynamic arm. Give you all the details you want and very neutral - too neutral in my opinion and can lead to listening fatigue. Very well match with warmer cartridge like the Koetsu.

It's nothing wrong with getting both arm as they are very different in my opinion, i don't think one was better than the other, it's just a matter of taste.

I ended up getting the phantom for a while as i am a midrange freak but when i heard the Kuzma Airline, i am SOLD. Hope that help...
From Kdtran's post it sounds like the Triplanar retrieves all of the information in the grooves while the Graham ignores some of it to make a more "musical" presentation?
thanks Kdtran

based on your listening experience I would prefer the tonal balance of the Phantom.