Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
Sirspeedy, having heard a variety of linear tracking arms including the Air Tangent, and also as a fan of the idea, nevertheless its been my experience that they don't get the bass right- something that both the Graham and the Triplanar have no problem with.

Of course, as soon as you increase the air pressure, things get better, but the problem is simple- there should be no play *at all* between the platter spindle and the body of the cartridge. Air bearings, regardless of air pressure, have play and it is something that you can always hear if you have a system that has good LF definition.

If someone were to come up with a linear tracker that had zero play/slop in the track, then they would have something!
I have to second Sirspeedy's discourse on the fallibility of the hobbyist in setting up their arm/cartridge/table combination optimally. As such, definitive statements (including mine) must be tempered by this obvious fact. I have had the Phantom for well over a year now and would certainly not characterize it as contributing to a dull or boring sound. Additionally, this arm is very dynamic and allows the cartridge to extract a tremendous amount of detail/information from the record groove. It is a superb arm in all performance categories.
Btw,as a humorous afterthought...the maxi pump(what I called it)was housed in a closet,in one of three LP rooms(each chocked with amazing LP's).Not in the main audio room.It was on the floor,in between three pillows(used to damp it).Hysterical,in the best ha,ha sense.
When the unit's compressor kicked in,about every fifteen minutes or so(from memory),the whole house shook for a second or two....Talk about great bass!!-:)
I used to laugh watching Sid get down on all fours,in this little closet,to bleed off air,after long listening sessions.
An absolute classic,in both listening fun,and the actual audiophile himself(Sid)!!!
Atmosphere,yes I cannot disagree with you,but the vast amount of my own experience with airline arms was at my friend Sid's home.He,and his close friend, had the Air Tangent set up with the original pump.Sounded about how you would describe it.Very good.Not great.Sid wanted more,so got in touch with his audio network. of them came up with the idea of getting a MAXI(in size) pump,which was sourced from a dentist(in Canada).It literally was the size of a motor boat motor!Sid got the OK(he was very tight with audiophile "A") to try to get one,and was lucky to source one from another dentist in Brooklyn.I know this is really laughable,btw.
Well the difference in bass,and stage dimensions(not to mention an ambient texture to die for) was huge.I heard it both ways,and this new version was used for a long time.I've heard it on dozens of occassions!
Since I knew his system very well,when the arm was removed,for a commonly used unipivot(not mentioning which one,but NOT a Graham),the performance took a nose dive!!
Some pals of ours kind of predicted this,but that's how it played out.Sadly.
The Air Tangent/Mega pump was responsible for all the Mercury,and RCA reviews in TAS!
Of course this is one of those posts which is included in the "why take my word for it" category.Which is how it should be!!....It's how I,and about a dozen guys heard it too,btw!.....A GREAT ARM!!!...and I don't believe I will ever hear such a fabulous audio component again.
I'll bet the Kuzma is in that company,but I cannot afford one.I'll have to settle for a Phantom,if it ever arrives!
Sorry that the last two posts got switched around!
I may as well add some additional input(hey I have no vinyl replay,until my new arm comes,so I have some time to bore a good majority of you,and I'm home sick).
To re-emphasize about the "bass" issue on the "modded"(we'll refer to it that way,as it basically was SO different,this is appropriate) Air Tangent....NOBODY I have ever been familiar with(with the exception of Richard Foster) has a record collection even remotely close in quality,and desireability to that of Sid Marks(in the Classical and Jazz genre).For those loving the "smell" of old vinyl,and the history of where these LP's came from,it is HEAVEN on earth!!You enter his home,and you get a contact high!!We are literally talking "buy a BIG house value",in LP worth!Hence,when he wanted to demonstrate the "superior bass quality" of many LP's(he happens to be a bass "fanatic",btw,and maybe a bit too much, Imo)he could pull out particular discs that could throw a serious vinyl collector into withdrawal(think.. a woman,at Tiffanys,with alot of cash,who just won the lottery).I mean it is amazing how many GREAT LP's exist,that we will NEVER even see a picture of for it's cover art alone!!!...He's got em!!!BIG TIME!No wonder his column used to be called FROM THE RECORD VAULT!
SO the multitude of "amazing bass" discs that have been played for me,and some other local guys,seems almost incomprehensible when one factors in that I have been seriously collecting LP's for over thirty years,and whenever I go to Sid there is a plethora of "I gotta have that" discs to be heard!!BUT,guaranteed they won't be found!!!
Trust me(and I hope I'm not too boring in this "ode to Sid" piece)the quantity of organ,organ with chorus,orchestral,orchestral with organ....and chorus stuff.....even Glee Club stuff,recorded live---somewhere in Europe(if one can believe it,and I don't blame you if you don't)has caused me to leave his "Vinyl Vault" shaking my head in dis-belief!As to the "music" on tap,but since we are on the bass subject,the "reality" of THAT bass too!The pitch definition of really deep bass(done the Maxi/Air Tangent way) is something many have no clue exists.Especially with twelve bass drivers working "correctly"(another topic).
OK I'm getting somewhat carried away!!

He has mega modded four tower Infinity speakers(NOT "colored",as a well known blogger has incorrectly mentioned on his web-site,about these designs,btw)so the "bass" issue is irrelevant!!!

I had been invited to another home,of a well known reviewer,who had the LATEST darlings,in both speakers,and equipment(Forsell there,btw).This was ONE day before the new Air Tangent mega set-up at Sid.The guy was obviously an expert,and was a lovely host.I had a great time,and heard a very nice set-up,which the host thought was "SOTA" and could not really be bettered,at the time.A HUGE NYC loft/room,which was an amazing listening space.Cool art all around(thought I'd throw that in).
Next day(about twelve hrs later),went to hear the new Air Tangent/Maxi,in Sid's set-up.The speakers were about eighteen years old,btw(Sid could care less,as it "IS" all about performance,in HIS room).The rest of the stuff,other than old Krell bass amps,is very well heeled.
NO CONTEST!!!!!Totally exposed the hole in the previous set-up's mid bass,and I then realized that the night before,I was not hearing any low bass at all( on a really BIG speaker).Not a hint of pitch definition,as compared to what this new Maxi Air Tangent had in store for me,and the others,who were in total agreement/disbelief.This is the kind of audio stuff that is the most fune for me.Being SO happy for a good friend,who "has got it"!Nothing competitive.Just joy!!Some good NY cheese cake too.
Suddenly the "fine the night before" super system dropped three notches,in hindsight!The night before I had loved it...almost!
Sid is the kind of guy who absolutely could care less about the latest rave,or folks doing the "raving".He is ONLY concerned about how something sounds in HIS room,with HIS stuff.....AND his irreplaceable record collection!!!
BTW,the friendliest guy you could ever want to meet,and one of the most hospitable and good natured too.Imagine,with some house painting being done,last year,the guy grabs a load of "doubles",in Decca Wide bands,and just gives them to me,to "make space",so he claimed.."take them,take them,I have to make some more room".........One of the GREATS!!!!!!!!!!
Hope my long winded post had some relevence.Time for my Sudafed.