Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
Hello folks,

I have used the Graham Phantom-2 now for about 6 months. I was using the triplanat mk7 u2 previously for about 2 years. My experiences tend to mirror some of the posts here.

The Tp-7 is an excellent arm and does everything pretty well. It is smooth, musical, natural, dynamic, detailed and just great to listen to. I really did not think I was missing anything and felt I could not do much better while listening to it for the last two years.

Then on a suggestion I tried the Phantom-2. I actually had the P-2 in the box for 2 months before trying it. That is how much i was happy with the TP-7.well you probably know where this is heading.

Finally got around to installing the P-2. This arm feels like a brick in your hand vs the TP which feels like a feather. The P2 is a very heavy, solid, well constructed arm.

Both arms are easy to install and set vta, vtf and azimuth. However, one gripe with the TP is that vtf tends to drift. Not so with the P2.

In my setup, I was amazed at how much better the P2 is. There is a whole other level of resolution, transparency, micro and macro dynamics. This produces a more natural, palapable, tonally correct and dynamically live experience. Very well defined and holographic soundstage. Listening sessions have become a "spiritual and emotional" experience with the P2. Not subtle!

It may seem to most people that the TP isn't doing anything wrong until compared to better arms. In other words it's sins are those of omission. In my set up the TP seems to be missing the low level detail and does not convey the micro-dynamics and soundstaging in the pin point easy to hear way the P2 does.

Someone has said that you dont miss what you have never heard. But after hearing the P2, it is clear the TP misses a lot. However, what it does deliver cant be faulted.

One key caveat is that the P2 requires much more experimentation than the TP to get this level of performance.this has to do with the damping fluid. Its very easy to end up with misbalanced lackluster sound. the sweet spot is moderatly narrow. That said, the P2 still sounded better even when not in its optimum position.

Regarding damping fluid experimentation, Sirspeedy's post are right on! He really hit the nail on the head. Be prepared to overshoot and undershoot to get close then make tiny changes to get to the sweet spot. If you are prepared to have the patience to do this then this arm will yield incredible results.

I plan to keep the TP for now but might try the fidelity research arms next. Have fun!

Long time no hear. Guess you've been enjoying too much music to waste time posting about it. :-)

Interesting report. You certainly makes it worth thinking about trying a P2. I'll take exception to the statement that VTF drifts with the TriPlanar. It never drifts on mine - ever - and I've never heard about anyone else's drifiting either. No doubting you, I remember you posted about this before. Must be a faulty hex wrench or something!

Anyway, thanks for taking the lead and being brave enough to post honest impressions. What phono cable are you using BTW?
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the report. Glad you're still with us. :-) I have heard from a few guys I share common audio goals with that the P2 is really good. Hopefully, the opportunity to hear one myself will crop up before too long.

I'll have to look up that post about drifting VTF to get the context. Can't say that I understand what you mean at this point.
Dear Aoliviero: As good and different as both tonearms are exist some " tiny " subjects with influence in what you heard and enjoy: same cartridge but different behavior ( quality cartridge performance ) due that the cartridge likes " more " one tonearm than the other ( better overall match. ), different tonearm internal wiring, the quality performance of the tonearm/cartridge that you like it more is the one that meet in a better way ( better trade-offs for your ears. ) your music sound reproduction priorities.

Anyway, good to know that you are enjoying your audio set up.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I too have never experienced a 'drift' in VTF. I have 3 arms and they all behave the same way. In fact that has always been one of the nice things that the Triplanar has always been about- set it and forget it.

The Phantom seemed a huge improvement over the 2.2- its good to see that Bob has made further improvement; IME the original Phantom was a good close second to the Triplanar so I'm interested to see what the P-II does.