Suggest Table and cartridge for my system


I have never owned a quality table. I am lookingto add one to my system. Here is my current setup:

Proac Response 2
Rogue Tempest(has phono stage)
Audio Aero Prima MKII
Acoustic Zen Ref Matrix II interconnects and tsunami PC's
Top Gun line conditioner

I was thinking about possible a Aries Scout but not sure what cartridges to look at. I am open to ideas in $1000 range for the table and $3-500 for cartridge, used market is fine.

Ok. I have narrowed my choices down to the VPI Scout or Michell Technodec. I will most likely go with a Sumiko Blackbird cart. Now since I am a complete analog newbie, I am not sure what type of phono pre I should be looking at. I would like something that will be plug and play with my Rogue Tempest and allow me the flexibility to try different cartridges down the line. I would also like to keep the preamp less than $700 and used from the Gon is fine. I am still trying to get a grasp on matching the gain and impedances of the pre to the cart(hoping this will make more sense once I have a pre and cart in hand with manuals). Also will my Tempest play a role in what preamp I should be choosing? Can I just plug the preamp into the phono jacks on the back of the Tempest or should I use the Aux jacks? Sorry for the stupid questions, just trying to figure this all out.
Kali77, have you asked Rogue? I'm sure they could give you a recommendation for a phono stage that they know works well with the Tempest and the tables your thinking of using.
As far as I can tell, the Rogue does not have a phono stage, which means you do need a phono preamp. As the Tempest is a tube unit, the input impedance is high enough that it needs no special matching with a phono stage. I would choose your phono stage on its own sonic merits and its ability to match with the cartridges that interest you. Ease and flexibility of gain and loading will assure compatibility with a range of cartridges. It sounds like you may want to budget as much as $600 to $1k. There are a number of very nice phono stages in this price point from Heed, Musical Surroundings, PS Audio, Dynavector etc. that will suit your needs.

I did talk with Mark at Rogue and he thought the Rogue Stealth would be a good option. I just want to make sure I don't totally skimp on the preamp and than decide I want something better down the road. I plan on keeping what ever table-pre combo I choose for a while. I may upgrade my speakers next though and want this combo to be able to grow with me. Have not been able to find many reviews on the Rogue Stealth.


Thank you very much for the info and suggestions. I could proabably go up to $800-900 on the used market.