New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!
Rockyboy, I understand that Lucas is very generous with upgrades unlike many other manufacturers I will not name....
What it does to Redbook negates any need for hi Rez offerings


People who have one say they dont care about HiRez anymore as its sounds so good on RBCD

That is "la raison d'être" for any digital transport IMO. 99% of most music libraries are Redbook. Yes, I am sure "true" DSD128 mastering is better, but after a while that same avant-garde Swedish jazz trio gets old. Regarding DSD and hi rez wireless streaming, I believe that is not far off. We can already stream movies wirelessly, and those files are larger than any audio data (

Furthermore, people are already hacking squeezeboxes and such to process DSD (

Gopher and Berto are morally obligated to do a Lampi transport versus modded mini shootout during the upcoming rave. It will drive home the point that I have been trying to make since 2007.
As long as the modded Mini has a Mojo or Hynes power supply! If not, don't bother doing an AB.
Schw06, your system page prominently displays the Abbingdon Music Research DP-777. Is the Lampi 4 a relatively new addition? What do you like about it compared to the AMR?