Best value phono $1-1.5k

I've been having thoughts about setting up a 2nd budget TT and need some ideas on what would be considered the best buys in phonostages now. Best if it also had stellar musicality, could play LOMCs, MMs, was flexible with loading and capacitance. Yes, we wants it all... Inputs anyone?
I just bought the Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena. It sounds great. Quiet, detailed (without sounding harsh), and great imaging and soundstaging. I have nothing to compare it to except my old "built-in" phono stage on my current amp.
Heed is in the right price bracket and the review sounds interesting though I've never heard of it before. How does it compare with other phonos like the PS Audio?
The Heed is an extraordinary value IMHO; very neutral, perhaps erroring slightly, if at all, on the side of "musicality", with no noticeable additive undesirables, and extremely flexible; bettering most phono stages up to $3k. An excellent company for cost effective compact solid state electronics, very well known in Europe but not so well known here yet. I have not compared the PS Audio directly. I would guess a more interesting comparison might be the newer Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena, but again, I'm guessing the Heed would win out there as well. I plan on making both those comparisons in the near future.

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