Which arm best for SME30-2?

I have an SME 30-2 with SME V and a Koetsu Blue Onyx. The Triplanar and Graham Phantom B44 are possible alternetives. Does anyone have any experience in this respsect. i.e. Triplanar or Phantom on an SME 30? The rest of my system is: Asthetix Rhea Signature (yes the new one), CJ CT5 and a pair of LP140Ms driving Guaneri Hommage speakers set on solid (250Lb) Marble columns. CD is vis dcs Elgar DAC, Purcell upsampler and Theta Jade transport. All interconnects are by LFD - Black widow for Rhea and Elgar to CT5 and Silcer Scorpion for SME to Rhea and CT5 to LP140Ms. Speaker wire is home brew. 1mm fine Silver wire (99.9% pure) threaded into Teflon sleeving and bi-wired.
If you're going to use only one cartridge, the Koetsu Blue Onyx, ask yourself which arm will match best with that cartridge. If you're going to use multiple cartridges, including perhaps a mono cartridge, the Phantom is unsurpassed which quick easy cartridge swapping (each with its own arm wand). The SME V is a gimbaled arm, the Phantom is a unipivot - each has its own attributes. The SME table and arm have great 'synergy'. A personal preference in the end.
I have both a Phantom and an SME V, each with its own SME made armboard - I use both on my 30/2. As Pcosta stated, switching arm/armboard on the 30/2 is quick, easy, and precise. I like the Universe on the V; other cartridges with their wands on the Phantom.
Don't overlook the Basis Vector 4 arm - it can be ordered with an SME base. A beautiful arm as well.
With the Koetsu is the Phantom a safe way to go.
Or a 9" DaVinci (or when another Armboard is available, the 10" with SME/regular mount ...).
Thomas - I have no experience with the DaVinci arm but use a Koetsu Urusuhi on my Phantom. It works quite well, as most cartridges do with the Phantom.
Thanks for the response guys. It is early days yet so I am wtching the discussion with great interest.
Rgurney - "The SME table and arm have great 'synergy'. A personal preference in the end."

Thanks for this. I have often wondered because of all the diatribe about this or that arm being "better" than the SME V, and I've thought OK Maybee a Phantom is better than a V on a different turntable but what about when mounted on an SME 30? .
Once again thanks for the illumination.