you've got $25,000.00

Ok, here's the deal...i have researched until my eyes hurt, ears swelled and brain has fried :)
I listen to classical, jazz, rock and indie music.I love, musicality, whole note duration and music portrayed as a "whole cloth' with no exaggerated ANYTHING!
Clean, clear, musical pieces that get out of the way!
So...Pick a turntable, cartridge, tonearm etc. with this budget and background and help an old guy out :)
I'm part way there...

KAB USA modified Technics SL-1200MKII turntable with,
Cardas arm rewire
KAB USA fluid arm damper.
KAB USA outboard power supply.
Isonoe isolator feet.


Denon DL-S1 moving coil cartridge.


Benz Micro Lukaschek PP-1.


Maple shade turntable platform.


Maple Shade Triple point three footers.


BAT VK-75 Tube power amp.




??? brand vacuum machine but about $600.

various high quality cables $1000.

Paradigm Signature 8 speaker system about $9000.00

Total $26,005.00
To believe that $25,000 will get you better sound than say $10, 000 or $15,000 is a myth. The hi-end thrives on the 'more dollars buy better sound'.

Find a local dealer, within fifty miles, that has a great loaner program. Start with the speakers, ones that just sound great to your ears, not someone else.

It might take a year to put all the pieces together but the result will be more satisfy your needs. Lastly, don't neglect the room treatments and speaker set ups. I think that makes the largest difference in the end.

'no exaggerated', doen't exist, all systems, in one way or another are 'colored'. That is what life is all about.
What is the rest of your system?

If you want to spend the whole budget, Galibier Stelvio, Wheaton Triplanar arm, ZYX Universe cartridge. Puts you right about $24.7K.
Like Popluhv above, if I had $25K, which unfortunately I don't, I would get one of the SME turntables, the Graham Phantom arm, and a Lyra cartridge of some sort. I now have the SME 20/2 ($11K), Phantom ($4.5K), and Audioquest cartridge, an older Scan-Tech design like the Lyras. I don't think the SME 30 is in your price range, but the new 20/12 might be. Good luck in your hunt.