Optimal loading for the Orpheus

I am in the process of acquiring a Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge. Despite a lot of very informative information on the 'Gon, I have yet to see insight regarding the optimal loading folks have found for the the Orpheus. Your thoughts and experiences, please.
33ohm on my nagra plp is the way to go rather than the 100ohm also they say on these forums that vtf around 1.97 , i disagree vtf is around 1.8 but lower than 1.9 . This assesment is after several hundred hrs of use.
I have had very good success with 1.98gr for VTF. Loading varies too much between phono stages, so I recommend you try many. I have had good success with 47k with the Lyra Connoisseur 4.2P Se, but also good luck with 330 ohms on a Nagra PL-P.
I am using my Orpheus at 1.8 vtf and 100ohm load for my ARC PH-7, I dont have any complains.