Optimal loading for the Orpheus

I am in the process of acquiring a Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge. Despite a lot of very informative information on the 'Gon, I have yet to see insight regarding the optimal loading folks have found for the the Orpheus. Your thoughts and experiences, please.
A fabulous cartridge!..Good luck....I and a friend own it,and we both load at 100 ohms,in a heavily modified ARC SP-15....VTF in both set-ups(phantom arm)sounds best in the 1.92-1.98 gm range.This is absolutely system dependant,as well as specific tastes.

Congrats on your O - its a lovely cartridge.

On different phono stages, I've tried values ranging from 80 Ohms to 250 Ohms using resistors from different manufacturers. I think the optimal value is a personal preference and can depend on how 'live' your room is on the top end. The higher values lending themselves to a bit more 'sparkle'. (Not a negative attribute here.)

On the ARC PH7 I used the 100 Ohm preset for quite a while and its simple to switch values with the remote - eventually I settled on 200 Ohms.

After trying different Caddocks, the "nude" Vishay S102s and several others, I settled on 170 Ohm Tantalum resistors for use in the Atma-Sphere MP-1. 220 was a tad tipped up. The S102s are nice and clear, but so are the Tants and they've a wee richer timbre.

I appreciate the great feedback. I am upgrading from the Temper V to the Orpheus. I use a Sutherland PhD phono stage. To Jtimothya: I tried a variety of loadings for the Temper V using blank configuration boards I got from Ron Sutherland. I settled on 60 ohms using the Vishay S102's. I also tried some generic tantalum resistors (too bright), Caddocks (nice sound but too rolled off) and Kiwame's (a little too 'Koetsu'). I was anticipating loading the Orpheus in the 60-90 range. I have a few Vishay's in this range.

I can't wait to get the Orpheus given the great threads and plaudits you all have generated over the past 2 years. I have read them all back to the Temper V dissertations(nB. SirSpeedy- I know you were a great fan of the V)through to the Orpheus which ultimately pushed me to upgrade. Extremely useful stuff!
I've settled on 250 ohms with a Temper V. Resistor is a dale metal film. No interest yet in moving to an o.
Dear Hickory: +++++ " I am upgrading from the Temper V to the Orpheus... " +++++

well I respect your opinion but I don't think that is an upgrading, IMHO ( I know very well both cartridges ) it is more a cartridge change for something different that it is not necessary an upgrade or better quality performance.

The V is/was a low rated cartridge that IMHO and in the right tonearm is a great performer with a better tonal balance and natural response than the O. Of course this is only a subjective opinion.

Regards and enjoy the music.