How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?

I just bought a very nice condition Revox A-77 on Ebay and I have to say I love the sound of tape. I wish I had done this years ago when it made more sense. I see that good quality reel to reel decks are getting snapped up on Ebay and I am wondering who is buying them and what they plan on listening to (prerecorded music or tapes they make). How many people here on audiogon actually own a reel to reel that works and they use it regularly? Thanks.
Jsman, which tape deck do you like the best? How does the Revox sound compared to the Otari?
I own an Akai 4000DS MKII that I bought new over 30 years ago! I haven't used it for quite some time, but have some great original studio recordings on reel which I recorded straight from master tape at a time when I worked in a recording studio. This thread gives me the itch to hook her up again!
Mike-Wow!! You own some awesome decks! If your Technics RS-1500 deck is stock, which deck are you using to play back the tape project tapes? The technics doesn't have the IEC playback equalization that was used to make the tape projects's tapes. Please tell us how the tape project tapes sound, specially compared to commerical 71/2ips reel to reel tapes.
Please keep us informed of your findings. I would love to know what you think of the Otari decks vs. the Studers and what you think of tape vice LP. I find all of this highly exciting.
Kichoi just made me think of something I could do if anyone is interested. I have Cat Stevens Teaser and the Firecat on LP, CD, and 71/2ips 4 track tapes. We could select a couple of cuts and I could record all 3 formats to a Sony CD recorder that is connected to my Counterpoint SA-5.1 and burn a CD and make it available to those on this thread that would be interested to hear the differences of the 3 formats. I am not going to make a copy of the entire album because this is for educational purposes only and I don't want to get into any type of copy right B.S. If you are interested, send me an email at Let me know what two songs you would prefer to compare from Teaser and the Firecat.