Two terms I don't understand - please explain


I've read through this forum as well as forums on other sites and there are two (2) terms that I don't understand: "Slam" and "Prat" when discussing turntables, cartridges, etc.

Could someone kindly explain to this idiot what they actually describe?

Thanks and regards,

I figured I'd let the dust settle B4 letting the originator define his own terms(more fun that way). Happy toe-tapping!
I just very casually scanned the article from Martin Collins, and at least on that scant basis it seems clear to me that he does not vindicate at all Dcstep's claim that PRaT is a misnomer for dynamics, and that all decent gear has it. Quite the contrary. Quite.
Misnomer for dynamics and timing (as defined by Collins).

I recommend to all to stop using terms that you can't explain in specific terms.
Yeah, but nothing to do with rhythm and pace. Also, it no one here described timing accurately at all. An acronymn that's only 1/3d right is pretty misleading, IMHO.
