Arm upgrades for Goldring GR 1.2 worth it?

I'm thinking of buying a more substantial stub/counterweight for the Goldring GR 1.2, the one that has a RB-250 lookalike. Two questions: a) Is it worth the trouble? b) Which one is most cost effective? I figure I can probably take the upgrades with me to a Rega table in the future. I keep hearing things about how the Goldring table and arm aren't so great but I see it as a sort of stepping stone in the upgrade path throughout the Rega tables. Here are the counterweights I've considered:

1. Clearaudio turboweight - Pricey, but has slung counterweight

2. Heavyweight - Yeah, good luck finding one...

3. Pete Riggle (of VTAF fame) CCM - This one is dirt cheap ($85), looks pretty good but I've heard absolutely nothing about it

4. Michell Technoweight - $$$ but it seems like the most well-received and most justifiable in taking to the next better Rega arm

and finally....

5. OL Structural Mod - also a bit pricey, but comes very well reviewed and simple to install/remove

Anyone with experience with any of these? I feel like the rest of my system is capable of resolving the difference between stock and modified but is the table a worthy candidate?
I had an Espressimo Heavy Weight on my RB300 and it was great. You could add the Groovetracer and the Kerry Titanium to your list, by the way. IMHO any of them would make you happy.
I would love to do the groovetracer mod at some point, probably after a structural upgrade. I'm heavily leaning toward the Riggle CCM since it is so insanely cheap. Does anybody know if the groovetracer works on the Goldring? My biggest question is whether or not I will get my money's worth from upgrades on the Goldring.
You can install an upscale counterweight now and enjoy the sonic benefit. There will definitely be a sonic benefit. If you ever sell your turntable you can either include the new counterweight and price accordingly, or reinstall the stock weight and sell the TT with that.

Buying a counterweight new and selling it later involves a price hit but not a huge one. IMHO the improvement is worth that. Of course if you find a counterweight used, you're laughing.

So yes, you will get your money's worth from this upgrade. You can hardly lose.