What Cartridges to use with Triplanar IIV Tonearm?

What cartridges have you used successfully with the Triplanar VII Tonearm? I have heard the ZYX cartridges works well. Do you know of any others?

Thanks for your feedback. I am reletively new to Analog and I would like to start with a less expensive cartridge and then upgrade to one of the top ones. I have heard a lot about Shelter Cartridges, for example the 501. Are there any cartridges in the $750-$1500 range that would work well with Triplanar arm? What about Ortofon cartridges?

Stringreen and Thomasheisig did indeed get it right, and Dan's question was appropriate, since different cartridges work well (or at least differently!) for different musical and sonic tastes.

For "all sorts" of music, a neutral cartridge like a ZYX or Transfiguration would avoid imposing too much of itself on any particular type of music. I've had a Shelter 901 and to our ears it wasn't really worthy of this top flight arm, which highlighted some of its flaws. It was impressive at first but became tiring rather quickly. A similarly priced ZYX, Tranny or Lyra would do better for the long haul.

A Benz would provide a little more warmth, though the TP would reveal that warmth as artificial coloration as your ears become more attuned. The TP is utterly revealing of everything about a cartridge, both the good and the not so good. It won't smooth over flaws as some arms do. It's an extraordinary instrument for pulling the maximum amount of information from a cartridge and from the grooves, so congratulations on acquiring one of the finest arms in existence.

One vital question no one has yet asked: what phono stage will you be using? That could have a defining impact on which cartridges would even be viable.
I have read many times regarding the infamous Benz warmth. I have a number of cartridges, and prefer the Benz Ebony LP, and/or Benz Ebony H for their musicality, their terrific tracking ability, their ruggedness, and the Benz liberal trade in policy. These 2 Benzes throw a huge soundstage with great depth, killer lows and airy sweet highs. There are cartridges that under A/B testing sound more detailed, however these 2 Benz cartridges sound most like music to me = I am a professional violinist.