tt surface noise reduce or tolerate?

I am new to the tt world but have a sota digital listening have a great phono preamp and nice benz cartridge with modest tt....

The sound of jazz or classic rock that is not quiet tracks is great but for quiet passages or ballads the surface noise is a bummer!!!

Is there a way to reduce the noise or you gotta suck it up. Love analog but if can't reduce then that is one drawback to it!
Tvad, I've found this especially true with SACD, mostly of course with those made from old RCA or CBS three channel master tapes. Oddly enough, if comparing this to the the original LPs drawn from the same sources, you hear no such thing, possibly because it is masked by surface noise, when playing the LP. But some of those old Shaded Dogs can be very quiet, have good highs and plenty of bloom there and no hiss at all. So this is puzzling and perhaps food for another thread, because now I am really of topic. My apologies to Radiohead.
06-23-08: Detlof
Oddly enough, if comparing this to the the original LPs drawn from the same sources, you hear no such thing, possibly because it is masked by surface noise, when playing the LP.

That's my belief. Tape hiss being masked by surface noise.

I suspect those quiet LPs that are free of tape hiss were mastered from tapes that had very little tape hiss.
Tvad, you make good sense. This could well be so. Whatever, lets enjoy he music, noise or no noise, digital and analog...
I agree there are LPs with very little surface noise and I have several. It is quite easy to get lost in the music and think how quiet the background is. And then you lift the stylus and feel the slight drop in room pressure.

I believe it would depend on the tape machine used when the master was made. I have some recordings that I've listened to for many years where the tape machine noise has become ingrained as part of the performance. Some I also have a copy on CD and they have the same noise. I don't think they would be the same to me if I ever heard them without it. :-)

I, too, listen to and enjoy both digital and analog formats.