Can anyone recommend a Phono Pre Amp?

Hello again,
I have a Project 9 with a Dynavector X-H high output cartridge connected to my Musical Fidelity XLPS-v3 by Synergistic Looking Glass active cables. I'm driving all this with Rogue Audio 150 monoblocks through a Rogue Audio 99 pre amp and Martin Logan SL3's. My system sounded bright at first but after about 150 hours of use warmed up quite a bit. The Musical Fidelity is kinda warm but dry. I have also tried the PS Audio phono pre amp that had way more detail but was a little edgy and lacked mid-range warmth. I'm looking to spend about $1ooo, hopefully less. Any recommendations?
Get the Project Tube-box. They come up sporadically and have wide flexibility handling both MM and MC. A very nice product and half of what you want to spend!
I've heard good things about the Aqvox...might be worth checking out. Cheers,
Given that you have a Dynavector cartridge, you might want to consider the Dynavector P75 mkII.

I admit, I personally have not heard it, but Jeff Dorgay, publisher and active reviewer of Tone Audio, and a major vinyl enthusiast, considers the Dynavector P75 the standout anywhere near its price range. You might want to read some of his reviews to see if his tastes in sound and music are compatible with your own.

One of his reviewers, Marc Phillips, reviews it in issue 16.
I recently picked up a used Eastern Electric Minimax Phono ( MM/MC ) and can tell you they sound fantastic..Quite a great bargain for the asking $.............