Can anyone recommend a Phono Pre Amp?

Hello again,
I have a Project 9 with a Dynavector X-H high output cartridge connected to my Musical Fidelity XLPS-v3 by Synergistic Looking Glass active cables. I'm driving all this with Rogue Audio 150 monoblocks through a Rogue Audio 99 pre amp and Martin Logan SL3's. My system sounded bright at first but after about 150 hours of use warmed up quite a bit. The Musical Fidelity is kinda warm but dry. I have also tried the PS Audio phono pre amp that had way more detail but was a little edgy and lacked mid-range warmth. I'm looking to spend about $1ooo, hopefully less. Any recommendations?
Having compared the Eastern Electric Mini Max against EAR834p in my system. I have to admit that the Eastern Electric completely trounced the EAR834p. The EAR834p sounded relatively flat and the image size is much smaller than the EE. I also agree that the JLTI is a little too dry for my taste, I much prefer Graham Slee Era Gold. I have also auditioned Conrad Johnson Premier-15.

But then the Dodd Phono ($1200) is in another league. I match it with none-other-than Dynavector 20XH. I have a very transparent/clean sounding speakers just like Martin Logan. I compared my system against three other very expensive rigs (I am talking about a system with BAT VK-P10SE, another system with Messenger preamp/phono, another system with ARC PH7 with all ARC Refs electronics), and I preferred the sound of my vinyl setup by a big margin.

The Dodd phono has similar tonality to the Graham Slee Era Gold, but the Dodd is more liquid and juicy, which instantly draws me into the music. The designer of the Dodd phono - Gary Dodd - he owns a Project TT too.

For a picture of how the Dodd phono looks like, see here:
I am very happy with my Simaudio Moon LP5.3. Very quiet, natural, warm, detailed and rich. It goes for around $1K used on the 'gon.
I own the ear 834p which I like very much, I also have the jlti which I like as well. But I use my K&K most of the time. Synergy plays a big role and the K&K seems to work for me best. The cartridge is a denon 103r.
OK so far I have auditioned the PS Audio GCPH and the Musical Surrounding Nova Phonomena . And I most say the Nova sounded better to my ears. Less noise. Even My Musical Fidelity X-LPS v3 sounded warmer and less brittle then the PS Audio. But I'm still missing a tubes golden glow.
I think a tube amp that can handle my high output Dynavector MC cartridge might be my best bet. Any ideas? Any more suggestions?