Upgrade RB300 Tonearm or Not?

I am still trying to generate a little more discussion on upgrade issues and benefits for the Rega RB300 Tonearm. I initated another thread earlier with questions about the best wiring, and I want to thank everyone who contributed to that... espcially Onetwothreego. I am hoping for a more feedback on this thread. The question is basically this: I figure if I fully upgrade an RB300, according to my plan (new wiring, i.e. Discovery Cable, Incognito, etc., VTA adjustment, i.e., Pete Riggle VTAF, etc., upgrade counter weight), I would have ATLEAST $700 into an RB300. Is this really worth it for the money, or should I take the $700 and put it towards another tonearm, even if I have to kick in a little more money? I will be using the tonearm on a VPI MKIV with the Super Armboard and TNT platter. I would appreciate any thoughts on this matter advising me for the best bang for the buck. Thanks and regards, Din Dayemi
Bside, I would definitely consider a Hadcock. I used an rb300 for a couple of years and changed to a Hadcock 228 export and it was a considerable improvement. VTA is adjustable and a snap, it is also fairly easy to mount.
07-02-08: Tpsonic
Origin Live arms are a drop-in replacement.
Fully upgrading an RB250 or RB300 runs the cost up to $800-900, (which includes all the mods you mentioned, but sandblasts off the overdamping powder coat and puts slots in the tube to break up resonances), but you're still stuck with the OEM bearings, which I understand is the RB250-300's achilles heel.

The Origin Live Silver incorporates all the improvements on an arm with (they claim) much improved bearings and OL's own VTA adjustment collar at $1050.

At the $200 difference, I'd probably spring for the Silver.
Don't screw around; put a VPI arm on that TNT. They are designed and made for each other. Tell me anyone here can outthink and design Harry Weisfeld, cmon the guy has been making TTs his life's work. Why second guess the expert?

Go get a Rega P3 if this is the direction you want to go.

Aha I thought so.
Well the HW-19 predates the JMW by many years so I don't think they were "made for each other". I do agree that you need to know a whole lot more than most of us do to argue with Harry's choices. He knows his stuff and has a passion for driving incremental improvements in his products. I feel the JMW is significantly better than the Rega and don't get hung up on the "lack" of anti-skate. Harry's twisted wire works as it should. I NEVER heard innergroove distortion with his arm.