Tweaks such as demagnetizers ionizers for lp's

What are the options as in brands that demagnetize 12" lp's. The ones I have found seem to be expensive $2k and up.
What other tweaks are available ionizers included?
Dear Rushton, when you say it works, what could possibly be happening that improves LPs, CDs, cables, and most of all speakers!? (we do know that cone speakers depend upon magnets in order to work. You don't want to demagnetize them.) I have great respect for Walker, but I remain skeptical. Was your group experiment carried out under double blind conditions?
I know what I heard and it was so night and day like, that if everyone had one, there would be more people listening to vinyl, that much of a difference, crazy as it might sound. I do not believe in a lot of the snake oil but I would say the furutech demag is a keeper. I have not heard the Talisman but if it is anything like the Furutech, I will be getting mine soon. lol Syntax! There is some crazy VooDoo going on for sure.
Thanks to Dan I have the gizmo he recommends. Works great for me. Off course lots of Indians where I am !
Another vote for the device Dan linked, heh!, and I fully agree it's twice as effective as the Walker Talisman for half the price. That's not hard to understand. What's stronger, a handheld magnet or an AC powered electro-magnet? :)

WARNING: unplug this thing when it's not in use. Ours heats up quickly whether the power button is depressed or not. It has a thermal shutoff that's worked so far but I'm not trusting that (in a cheaply made device) to prevent burning my house down.

That said, the differences from demagging LP's are clearly audible to Paul and me, no double blind test required. For a mere $100 anyone can try it for themselves. If that's alot of money to you than your system probably isn't revealing enough for you to hear the difference. I wouldn't recommend it in those circumstances.

P. S. It provides audible and visible improvements on DVD/Blu-Ray discs also. The video improvements are measurable with tools as simple as a DVE, Avia or similar video test disc. Wider, flatter grey scale and more accurate color renditions. Scoff and call it voodoo or enjoy superior PQ and audio, we each choose our own form of entertainment. ;)