Feickert Adjust+ Tool

Reading the latest Stereophile MF mentions a new Arm Cartridge setup alignment tool called Adjust+. From what i have read it may be worth the cash for very accurate adjustments which should translate to better sound. MF also mentions a similar tool made by L'Art du Son has any of you used either of these interesting new Analog tools?
I find this tool very interesting myself. I had a post of my own asking about it a few weeks ago but there seemed to be little interest at that time. It appeals to my neurotic audiophile side which always wonders if my setup is optimal. Azimuth I find especially challenging. I use the VPI "rod" method currently but others swear by electronic setting with a DMM. I have tried the DMM and find it to be an estimate at best(in my hands anyway)due to the bounce in the reading at the smaller crosstalk voltages. I have wondered if this adjust + may be a more precise way once you figure it out(which seems complicated at first glance) Usually, after thinking about all this for a while, my more laid back side decides to set it as close as I can by eye and just enjoy some music. Anyway, if anyone gets some hands on with this tool please post your findings.
The software does seem interesting, but I am not sure what it offers beyond a standard spectrum analyzer run on a laptop. I guess, part is the excellent test record. The discussion above is great since it may actually give some more insight into this.

A comment on the DMM method: It doesn't work well unless you use a 1KHz bandbass filter for your 1KHz signal (assuming a 1KHz test track). There is too much noise in the background and the DMM integrates the noise over all frequencies. A much better way it to use a Laptop with a spectrum analyzer which allows to detect the 1KHz crosstalk signal directly .

The DMM I bought at Radio Shack happens to have a laptop connection with software included. Would this eliminate the need for the filter? How would I make/find a 1 Khz fiter?
Sonofjim, if your laptop has a microphone input you could just directly connect your phono stage to your laptop.

How familiar are you with using spectrum analyzer? You can use a spectrum analyzer program (like iSpectrum for the Mac) to look at the frequency components of the signal fed into the Mic input. Most spectrum analyzers programs allow you to put a cursor on a frequency peak and display the strength of the signal (in dB). This is a nice way of directly measuring the crosstalk strength from a left channel signal into the right channel and vice versa.

Adjust+ does something similar. It looks at the phase of the crosstalk signal instead - I am right now trying to figure out whether this isn't just possible with the same standard spectrum analyzer. More later...
Let us know what you figure out. I'm not real computer savy but I would like to try to learn to do this if it works well. It sounds like a promising idea. Maybe adjust + works on the same priciple with a more convenient user interface?