Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Does anyone use steam cleaning ALONE? In other words, without the additional steps of cleaning fluids and rinse off?
There is a good example of steam cleaning records on

On another note, I was sent this message to my personal e-mail, I found it in one of my spam filters.

TO: Zenblaster

Z: Whatever you believe be sure , I am prepaired to take certian action,:stop creating what I view as legal issues against your self. Don't respond. Anything further remarks on your part I will elect be use in a Court of Law. Take this as a friendly reminder.

FROM: Crem1 (a member)

Crem- I have no idea what you are rambling about. I have never spoken to or communicated to you other than through this thread. I suggest you seek medical help before legal.

BTW- I was unfortunately born into a family of lawyers so save your time and money on that front.

Bernard Curtin...zenblaster
Zenblaster: Have you ever Steam cleaned a LP ? If you have, Please, post on cleaning issues. If not, read on you may learn something positive about steam cleaning.

Should you feel the need , respond to me , about me, for me ,against me, off site. I will respond only to remarks focused on AUDIO.

And Zen, I wish to correct one misconception: At no time did I make veiled comments on AG regarding you or your other-self Bernard. None what so ever, period.

Why act to discredit a significant Thread regarding record cleaning ? Everybody that's anybody in Audio reads AG ; here and abroad those with financal interests in regard to record cleaning are either laffing or cheering on this circus koz it distracts from the fact ... Steam Cleaning works. And, its cheep!
Stltrains : Regarding your "Q" of 8/27, I choose to experiment with combining other water inspired record cleaning methods just to determine if George Merrill is on to something so simple & cheap.

But there is a second reason.

I have been contacted by a lady who owns a considerable 1960's era R&R collection mostly 1st edition, mostly autographed LPs that have become infected with mold .

Her grandchild has cancer. The Staff at Johns Hopkins Hospital required her to seal the entire collection in plastic due to the mold that they fear may compromise the child's health. She is a care-giver to the child. She now requests my aid in saving those LPs & covers. The collection is about 1,000 LPs. I'm scrambling for ideas before I accept the task.
Halcro: I received emails from steamers that said steaming ,alone, worked for them.