Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Nobody had responded to my question about Dynaflex vinyl so I went ahead and tried steaming my Hunky Dory. I must admit I chickened out and only did one steam cycle instead of my usual two but warping did not seem to be a problem. I then took a real leap of steaming faith and steam cleaned a first pressing of Highway 61 Revisited with the alternate take of From a Buick 6. It came out appearing close to near mint as opposed to the VG+ I paid for. Bottom line, I'm trusting steaming to be a safe method more and more, even on valuable LPs.
Halcro & Thommas: I agree with both of you that fluids are an option ,in some, (maybe all?) instances.

In the former Thread I expressed that in my experience, homemade fluid brews(read very cheap) seemed to work equally as well as the hi-priced spreads. That statement cost me ; I know Martina & others fluid designers strongly disagree as they have the right , but experiences as yours reflect other options .

The exception maybe dirty used recordings, a little home brew never hurt anything or for that matter hi-priced record cleaning solutions I presently have on hand. I agree and will apply them only as an option not a requirement.

Happy Hanna(Da' Storm) to all living on the East Coast , or in the East generally. May she leave before landing in your World.
Sonofjim, You were on my "respond to" list. My experiences are equall to yours , no problems. I recall one poster related a "thin" used never played LP may have warped in steaming, but they dropped off the old thread perhaps they felt they should have been played the LP to know its condition before steaming. Again, I have yet to damage a LP by steaming. S, did your "61" come with a charcole repro of BD inside the cover ? Thanks.
All a slight warping is almost normal when steam cleaning. In my experience some record companies vinyl warps more than others when steaming. As you pass the steamer to the inside of the LP the warping will stop and the LP will return to its original state. I have yet to leave a warp in a vinyl LP that i have steamed. And if you notice i have my Perfection Steamer apex 2 or 3 inches from the surface of the LP. Speaking of David Bowie i've had a MFSL pressing and its sound was fine. Now that i know all of my LPs must be steam cleaned i recently played the LP and put it in my steaming bin. All the difference in better sound from playing before and after is so audible its not funny. Steam cleaning is the best way i know to prepare a vinyl LP for a quite and super sounding playing session.

Crem i only hope that the people who live up the Atlantic seaboard don't experience the full furry of a cat 3 or better Hurricane. A lot of those areas are under sea level like us and it would be a sobering ordeal to live through. We are packing now to return to the big easy after escaping Gustav, from what i am seeing now from Ike it does not look good for the gulf coast. I'm Hopping all stay out of harms way.
I have a simple question for those that use micro-fiber cloths on their LP's.

How do you clean/wash the cloth's?