Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
So I just watched Stltrains video again and noticed that the steaming time is much longer than I have been doing. I have the same steamer and it runs out of steam after about 3-4 seconds. If I ever hold it in place long enough for the record to rotate fully - then move it closer to the spindle to do the same, I'll run out.

I was thinking that I need to be quicker, but now I see that I should be doing it longer. But even the way I'm doing it, when I go to do my 'rinse' I can't make it across the record.

Any ideas why I am running out of steam so fast?
Yes, my Highway 61 does have the charcoal of BD inside. This was a great find. Only problem, I didn't find it first. A local dealer did, and he knew what he had. I debated for several days whether I should pay him what he was asking or wait to maybe find one on my own. In the end, I paid VG+ price for what is clearly better than VG+ but not quite MN. The matrix # on side one is 1B. I'm not sure if I'll see this again. Hopefully the steaming will help it sound it's best. Happy hunting.

thanks a ton for taking the trouble to check things out for me!!! really appreciate it. next week a steam cleaner is in the order line and a homemade vacuum set up. cant wait to hear what all the guys here are hearing from their lps.

thanks for that experiment of only steaming and a rinse. sure don't make sense spending unnecessarily!!! will try it out first before moving (if necessary!) to a cleaner.

Madfloyd,if you are using the measuring cup to add the proper amount of water to the steamer,try adding about half,it seems there is more room inside the steamer for more steam to buildup,just a suggestion.
I may be wrong (Stltrains correct me if I am) but I always assumed that Stltrains got a little distracted by talking, filiming and steaming at the same time. If you pay close attention and use a watch, I think he says steam for 10-15 seconds or something like that but then actually runs the steamer for over 30 sec while demonstrating. I've been under the assumption that he didn't mean to run it that long. Just hard to do two things at once. I've been doing about 15 seconds or so and it seems to work fine.