Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Madfloyd : I believe that the exception to using steam only are dirty LPs , I believe your description qualifies.

When I clean dirty LPs , I use steam, add a fluid record cleaner , lightly scrubb w/ brush and steam rinse, then dry (by air or micro cloth). Some steam posters report excellent results with a liquid rinse then drying. If any consensus exists its that : Rinses are OK to V. Good To Excellent!

Perhaps (by technique) or dumb luck but I haven't yet warped any LP thru cleaning. Perhaps, that is also because I inspect every LP using downward light and angeling the over-head light to disclose any surface irregularites before I buy. I've been doing that for so long that in a glance I discount 50-90% of what I suspect are good buys... Naa, just dumb luck.

distilled or 'super water' as you've mentioned is a search i have to do now where i live. there are a few manufacturers i have found online through business directories. going around might take a while depending on work load. am aiming to get triple distilled or the purest i can source from my city or another one.
Stevieboy , A potential solution. Locate the cleanest/freshest water ,available , gently boil for 2-5 minutes , then cool. Using a funnel pour the cooled water into a clean glass container with a threaded lid. Store in a cool place. With an eye dropper, splash 2 or 3 drops of clear bleach into the water,give a quick shake. The bleach is to retard bacteria growth & will not affect steam cleaning (NMT 3 drops per Imperial Gallon).

This method passed to me by an audiophile mentor for record rinsing. I think it an acceptable subtitute until other water options are sourced. All the best.
crem you're full of surprises! have noted that in case i cant get some distilled water. thanks once again!
Stevieboy , My pleasure to assist you. I hope you source a reliable water supply , say a medical supply house or dry goods store. All the best.