Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I tried a home use garment steamer to clean my records.
I set up a record in vertical position and spayed the steam evenly at 4~6 inch distance for about 10 seconds (circling 4 times). And then wiped off the moisture with a micro fiber cloth.
I tried about 10 records that I don't care much (but in still in VG condition). I used filtered water (not distilled water). After steam cleaning, all records played with lesser noise, but some thin records got warped a little bit.
I guess I need to be more cautious about applying steam on very thin records.
Walgreens "Perfection" RIP?

It's no longer available, I could not find one in NYC in September, I'm going to have some time to play over Christmas so I thought I'd pick one up, are there any other suggestions? K-Mart maybe?

Just picked one up tonight at Walgreens. They had several. Glad to get you one if you can't get one local or online.
Thank you Vetterone, I appreciate your offer. I'll call around in NYC. You may get an email.

I noticed that when I used a steamer (in my case it is Perfection ) on LPs, I got a bit of burning vinyl smell. My steamer's noozle was about 4 inches away from LPs.
anyone notice that?