Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I noticed that when I used a steamer (in my case it is Perfection ) on LPs, I got a bit of burning vinyl smell. My steamer's noozle was about 4 inches away from LPs.
anyone notice that?

I just registered for the express purpose of asking what brand/model is considered the #2 choice behind the Perfection steamer, which is no longer available? I apparently discovered this thread a month or so too late...
I just bought a $40 1000W Shark hand-held from Target on-line. It works great, does not run out of steam, and appears to be well-built.
Thanks. On my way home today I stopped at yet another Walgreens and found that they are now carrying a steamer under a new name, "Living Solutions". Is it any good? Well, I intend to find out since I just bought one. I have a few more things to gather up before I attempt to cook my first LP. Stay tuned.
One other question/thought:

Has there been a history of flame wars in this forum? The requirement for every post to be reviewed and approved by a moderator (and the subsequent, lengthy delay involved) seems like an arrangement best suited to misbehaving children, not responsible, reasonable adults.